Thank you for your interest in General Chemistry during Summer 2020. I am excited to be teaching this course online this summer and look forward to meeting a very diverse array of students! A couple notes and resources to help you all get started:
1. This is a 3-credit, lecture-only course. If you need to take a Gen Chem lab course, you will have to pick that up at another time.
2. There is a pre-requisite math requirement to register for CHEM 150. If you try to register and require an over-ride to get past this hurdle, please send me an email with your DragonID (8-digit number, starts with "14######" or "15########") and a description of the math courses you have taken.
3. The course is asynchronous which means that there are no specific meeting times. I will try to keep you on track during the course, but one of the biggest challenges for most online learners is being responsible for your time management. For the summer courses, I would expect msot students to require 25-35 hours per week to do all the assigned readings, practice, homework, and quizzes.
4. We will be using the Open Educational Resource (OER) textbook from OpenStax, Chemistry 2nd edition. ( This book is freely available to download as an electronic copy
5. If you prefer a physical textbook, you can get a print copy of the text for a very reasonable cost. The easiest place I have found it is on Amazon (Amazon link). Based upon some of the feedback I see in the comments, it looks like there may be some dissatisfaction with the paperback version of the text, so it might be worth the few extra dollars to get the hardcover. A physical textbook is not required for the course; if you are comfortable using electronic textbooks, the freely available download will serve you perfectly well.
6. Gen Chem I will address chapters 1-9 (approximately) and Gen Chem II will tackle chapters 10-17 & 21.
I think that addresses most of the common questions I've been getting. I hope you are all having a safe and productive Spring, and I look forward to "seeing" all of you this summer.