
Moles, compound formulas, etc.

Today in class we talked about different types of compounds (ionic, molecular/covalent) and how to write electronically-balanced formulas for ionic compounds and balanced formulas for molecular/covalent compounds. Read/review the sections in your textbook on nomenclature. You will be responsible for all of the polyatomic ions listed in Table 3.5, page 95 of your text.

We also worked on a problem set in class. I've posted the problem set (as well as an answer key) on my web site (www.mnstate.edu/bodwin) on the Chem 150 page. Some of the questions on the problems set were intended to be challenging, so if you struggled with some of the questions that's a good thing, it will help you (and me) figure out where we all need to work a little more.

There are 2 new MC assignments posted, I was going to post one today and the other on Monday, but we've already touched on all the topics so I put them both up to give you more time to work on them. Do not wait until the last minute to do these assignments! We have already talked about everything except the last 2 questions in the second assignment, so you should be able to get a good start on these as soon as you have time to use a computer.

Have a good weekend and let me know if there are any problems/questions.

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