
Grades posted

Grades for my CHEM 210 and 210L classes are posted on eServices.  Let me know if you have any questions and have a great summer.


Exam keys all posted

I had a little technical "oops", all of this semester's Gen Chem II exams and keys are now posted. http://www.drbodwin.com/teaching/jbgenchem.html

A few people have asked about what equations and/or other information will be provided with the exam.  I cannot show you the exact information sheet that will be on the exam, but it is not all that different from the front page information you get with the exams you have taken (look at page 1 of Exam 4).  The ACS exam doesn't include everything I do, and it has a few things that I don't, but the big equations/formulas/constants are all there.