A couple of valuable tools today as we ramp up:
Conversion factors are not magic, they're just fancy versions of "1". For example:
1 gallon = 3785.41mL
Dividing both sides by "1 gallon" gives:
1 = 3785.41mL / 1 gallon
Dividing both sides by "3785.41mL" gives:
1 = 1 gallon / 3785.41mL
Both are just fancy versions of "1". When you change units by multiplying by a conversion factor, use the units to decide which one to use. If you have gallons and want mL, then multiplying by "mL / gallon" will cancel the gallons unit and leave you with mL.
We also looked at some of the foundations of atomic theory, including looking at protons, neutron, and electrons as well as the numbers that we use to keep track of them: Atomic Number, Mass Number, and Charge.