
Almost exam time...

Sara was unable to get a room, so there will not be an extra SI session tonight.

Next Monday is your first exam, be sure to look at the old exams on my webpage to get an idea of what to expect. Also, make sure that if you intend to use a calculator on the exam it cannot be a graphing/programmable calculator, or a cell phone calculator, or an iPod/iPad calculator, or any other networked or interactive "calculator experience". Sit with at least 1 open chair between everyone.

Today we worked through another percent composition question, this time using percent composition to determine the formula of a salt that someone carelessly neglected to label completely.

If you have questions you'd like to go over in class on Friday, let me know in advance or just bring them to class and we'll go through as many as we have time for.

1 comment:

  1. It's probably right in front of me haha but I'm having trouble finding the past exams for chemistry 150. Help?
