
Lewis structures...

We are getting in to Lewis structures and looking at how the electrons are distributed in ionic and molecular/covalent substances. Lewis structures are all about practice. The rules I typically use for Lewis Structures are a little bit different from those listed in the book, so:

Lewis Structures – electron counting method

1. Add up total valence electrons in the molecule or ion

2. Draw a skeleton structure using all single bonds (usually the least electronegative atom is central, hydrogen is NEVER the central atom, some structures have multiple “central” atoms)

3. Fill the octet of all peripheral atoms (hydrogen exception…)

4. Place any extra electrons on the central atom, pair up if possible

5. Check formal charge (find missing or extra electrons…)

6. Minimize formal charge distribution (if possible) by forming multiple bonds (resonance?)

7. Check formal charge

My favorite thing about Lewis Structures is that there are a couple places in the "rules" where you can check yourself and find mistakes early without going through the entire process. Formal charge is an extremely useful tool (perhaps even more useful for those of you who will have to take organic chemistry at some point...) so make sure you're comfortable calculating formal charge.

There's a new OWL assignment posted, due next Wednesday.

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