
Working with ammonia

From my perspective, aqueous ammonia is a fascinating reagent to use in the lab. As a type of matter, it is a gas dissolved in a liquid, which seems pretty wild. In many cases, aqueous ammonia is just a fairly typical weak base that's nothing all that special as long as you're using the Bronsted-Lowry definition of a base. Those are great features of aqueous ammonia, but they really pale in comparison to what we see when we start combining aqueous ammonia with metal ions, especially transition metal ions. The key to thinking about aqueous ammonia in these situations is to remember that aqueous ammonia is always involved in a Kb-type equilibrium:
NH3(aq) + H2O(l) <=> NH4+1(aq) + OH-1(aq)
This means that in any solution of aqueous ammonia, there are both ammonia molecules and hydroxide ions. If we think about the Lewis definitions of acids and bases, this means that floating around in every solution of aqueous ammonia, there are nitrogen-based lone pairs of electrons on ammonia molecules and oxygen-based lone pairs of electrons on hydroxide ions. Different metal ions have different affinities for different types of lone pairs, so sometimes when a metal ion is added to aqueous ammonia it forms complexes with ammonia while other times it forms complexes with hydroxide.
How do we tell which is which? Whenever possible, by comparison with know reactions. If the observed reaction between a metal ion and aqueous ammonia looks identical to the reaction of that same metal ion with a known hydroxide source {like NaOH(aq)}, then the metal ion is probably more attracted to oxygen lone pairs and is reacting with the hydroxide ions in the aqueous ammonia. If, however, the observed reaction between a metal ion and aqueous ammonia is different from the reaction of that same metal ion with NaOH(aq), then the metal ion is probably reacting with the ammonia molecules in the aqueous ammonia solution.
Differential affinities between metal ions (Lewis acids) and different Lewis base donors is a very diverse field and was a driving force in chemistry before newer instrumental methods were developed. It's still an important consideration in chemistry and physics and biology... Biology? That's right! Every biological system that contains metal ions (especially transition metal ions) relies heavily upon differential binding affinities to function correctly. And that's just one of the many reasons why biologist need to understand chemistry...

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